Last week Chris introduced me to a new keyboard app for the iOS. He thought it might help me have less.carpel tunnel symptoms while typing. I’m trying it out by typing this blog with it. It is called Word Flow and was developed by Microsoft.
Mostly it is doing okay. It has good predictive skills, though not all that much better or different than the standard predictive text that comes with the standard iPhone. It only has four punctuation marks available; period, comma, exclamation point, and question mark. (But, really, how often do you use a semi-colon?!)
One issue that I am experiencing is that when it thinks I’m done with a sentence, it will randomly throw in a period! Another issue is that it doesn’t “know” the shortcuts I’ve programmed into the phone to get a jumpstart on the predictive text. For example, when I type “bou”, the iPhone will complete the word “Boulder. Word Flow doesn’t do that.
Here’s an example of what the keyboard looks like and the predictive text errors:
Word Flow
I think that for people who are one handed typers or thumb typers , this will be a great product. For people like me who are used to typing with both hands and more than two thumbs, there aren’t a lot of benefits.
As a person who is very much concerned with security and privacy, I did take exception to allowing Word Flow access to my data. Take a look at the verbiage for the “permissions screen”.
“Full access allows the developer of this keyboard to transmit anything you type, including things you have previously typed with this keyboard. This could include secretive information such as your credit card number or street address.”
Ummmm, no. I think that is part of why the shortcuts I’ve programmed into my iPhone aren’t working with this app.
If you think this might be right for you, take a look at this, more positive review.
What keyboard are you using with your smartphone? Is it the standard one that came with, or another app that you’ve installed? Let us know what you are using, which phone you have, and how the keyboard is working!
Chris Eddy of Geek For Hire, Inc. has been providing computer service to families and small businesses with Mac’s and PC’s for the past fourteen years. His company is highly rated by both the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and by Angie’s List. You can find more at Geek For Hire, Inc. provides onsite service (Tier 3) to the Denver / Boulder / Front Range area.
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Appreciate you sharing, great forum post.Really thank you! Fantastic. Musse
Thank you!