2019 Tech Year In Review

2019 has been a busy year for technology.  Does anyone else feel like Moore’s Law has been replaced with something faster?  Here are just a few of the 2019 Tech Trends for the past year.



Apple had two significant 2019 tech releases: the iPhone 11 and the Apple Watch 5. My friends who have purchased the iPhone 11 are thrilled with the new camera and longer battery life.  Other features include upgraded glass, faster CPU, and the newest WiFi 6.

I traded in my Fitbit Charge 3 for the Apple Watch 5 earlier this year and I am loving it! The interface for phone calls and texting is so much better.  With the Fitbit, I’d get a notification of a call.  With the Apple Watch, I can pretend I’m Dick Tracy and answer the calls on my wrist!  I like the fitness tracking on the Apple Watch much better than the Fitbit.  It’s more intuitive to use and seems more accurate.

Electric Cars:

To me, it feels like 2019 was the year for the electric vehicle.  Where ever I was driving I would see EVs all over the place; from Teslas to Chevy Bolts to the Nisson Leaf and others. Chris likes EVs for lots of reasons.  One being that their range has greatly expanded.  When they first came on the market, you’d be lucky if you got 150 miles.  Now they go 300 miles and more.  I have a friend who has driven her Tesla from Colorado to Washington DC and back.  There were plenty of places to stop on the way to recharge. Another reason Chris likes EVs is that they have very little engine maintenance.


Don’t forget that support for the Windows 7 Operating System will come to an end on 14 January 2020.  If you’re still using Windows 7 you’ve got some decisions to make!  Please read our article for more information, and what your options are. Of course, we’re always available if you need guidance. https://geekforhireinc.com/windows-7-support-end/


If you use an older Roku for streaming Netflix you may already know that they will stop supporting older devices in December.  Check out their website for devices that they do support.


Chris has been watching the development of SpaceX for years.  This year, they’ve had a lot of activity with their Satellite Constellation project, Starlink.  Currently, there are 122 satellites in orbit. By the end of the first phase, sometime in 2021, Starlink will have over 1500 satellites in orbit.

Just after the launch in November of 60 satellites, they were seen as a “train” in the sky. (There were many UFO reports in Europe!)

According to wwwSstarlink.com “SpaceX is leveraging its experience in building rockets and spacecraft to deploy the world’s most advanced broadband internet system.”


What else happened in 2019 Tech?  Add your comments below!

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Chris Eddy of Geek For Hire, Inc. has been providing computer service to families and small businesses with Mac’s and PCs for the past eighteen years. Angie’s List and the BBB rate Geek For Hire very highly.  You can find more on our website, or give us a call 303-618-0154. Geek For Hire, Inc. provides onsite service (Tier 3 support) to the Denver / Boulder / Front Range area as well as remote service throughout North America.

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