A few weeks ago, I asked Chris about Windows 10. Should I upgrade right away, or wait awhile? What should I tell our customers and readers of the blog? His answer was basically:
“Unless you have a reason to stay with your current operating system (and especially if you have Win8), it should be fine to upgrade.”
Well, he’s changed his mind.
Windows 10 has been plagued with issues, especially for computers without the capacity to properly run it. So, if you have Windows XP, or Windows Vista machine without a modern processor and upgraded RAM, you should do those upgrades first, or consider a new machine with Windows 10 already installed.
Chris has also talked with other people that have upgraded with zero problems. One guy said that the upgrade “breathed new life into his laptop”. Chris added:
“Of course, it could just be that we’re only getting calls from folks who are having issues!”
Another huge issue with Windows 10 that is just starting to come to light, is the amount of information that Microsoft collects. The collected data isn’t just for targeted advertising A recent article in Wired states:
“Of course, Microsoft’s privacy statement outlines all the data that is collected, and you agreed to this when you downloaded Windows 10 and checked the terms of service.
In this Age of the Unread Terms of Service Agreement, it’s important to, well, read the ToS. It’s too easy for our technologies to gather personal information without our realizing it. Microsoft is far from the only perpetrator…”
Of course, in order to actually use Windows 10, you do have to agree to the Terms of Service. Once the new Operating System is installed, you should change the privacy and tracking settings.
So Chris’ new advice is to wait until you have a real need before installing the Windows 10 Operating System. Windows 10 doesn’t really give you much more than Windows 7. You don’t really need to run right out and get it now. If you’ve already upgraded to Windows 10, what was your experience?
Chris Eddy of Geek For Hire, Inc. has been providing computer service to families and small businesses with Mac’s and PC’s for the past fourteen years. His company is highly rated by both the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and by Angie’s List. You can find more on our website. Geek For Hire, Inc. provides onsite service (Tier 3) to the Denver / Boulder / Front Range area and remote service throughout North America.
great article