How-To Books:
Like a lot of our customers, I try to figure things out for myself before I call in outside support and training. That is doubly true for learning new software and applications. If my friends can’t help, I type my request into Google. If that doesn’t work, I head to the bookstore. With that in mind, here are some books we recommend:
If you’re trying to learn Windows 10:
- Windows 10: The Missing Manual by David Pogue. I became a fan of Mr. Pogue’s books when I got my first iPhone. I’ve long since moved on from that phone, but the book is still on my shelf.
- Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows 10 (Teach Yourself VISUALLY (Tech)) by Paul McFedries is another good one. I’m a visual person and like to see lots of pictures. The “Visually” series is very helpful for me.
If you can’t figure out your Windows 8 machine:
- Windows 8 Quick Reference Guide (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts – Laminated)
by Beezix Inc. is a handy reference guide to keep on the wall near your computer.
- Windows 8.1 For Dummies Book + DVD Bundle
by Andy Rathbone is another helpful Dummies guide.
- Top 100 Tips for Windows 8: Discover the Secrets of Windows 8
by Tim Sievers is also recommended.
- OS X El Capitan For Dummies
by Bob LeVitus. I love the “Dummies” books. They’re always easy to understand and straightforward.
- Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, El Capitan Edition
by David Pogue. Yup, another very helpful Missing Manual book.
Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Office 2013 Essentials Quick Reference Guide (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts – Laminated Card)
by Beezix Inc. This is another laminated guide to keep near your desk.
Office 2016 All-In-One For Dummies (Office All-in-One for Dummies)by Peter Weverka. This All-in-One guide covers each of the applications included in the Office Suite. From Word and Excel, to Outlook and PowerPoint. It even includes Access! This is for the newest version of Office.
Open Office:
- I’m trying to find a great book to recommend on using OpenOffice, a replacement for the (fairly expensive) Windows Office Suite. If there is a book that you love, please share the title with me and let me know why it’s so great!
Chris Eddy of Geek For Hire, Inc. has been providing computer service to families and small businesses with Mac’s and PC’s for the past fourteen years. His company is highly rated by both the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and by Angie’s List. You can find more at Geek For Hire, Inc. provides onsite service (Tier 3) to the Denver / Boulder / Front Range area. Links to products may provide a small commission to Geek For Hire.
That’s an iniengous way of thinking about it.